A CARD & A CLUE PERFORMANCE Here, take a free sample; only one to a customer. Look at it and remember it. Now drop it back in the pack. All I have to do is snap my fingers and that causes one card to reverse. What... that's not your card. Well... that's an indicator card. It indicates that I messed up. But, maybe if we count down 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cards. What was your card? Look at that; I guess you wouldn't want to play cards with me, huh? Smart move because I always win. HOW-TO TUTORIAL Spread the cards and have a spectator select one. Click on Building Blocks for details. Have the spectator look at it and remember it. Execute the Hindu Shuffle as taught in the Building Blocks. Ask the spectator to return the card. Drop the remaining cards on top. This places the selected card directly under your set-up or stack. Spread the cards on the table to reveal the reversed five. Push all of the cards on top of it away. Scoop up the remainder of the pack and place the five on the table. Deal down four cards then push off the fifth and place the rest aside. Turn over the card in your hand to reveal the selection. Drop it to the table and turn over the four aces. HOW-TO TIPS When you spread the cards, make sure you don't spread too far or you'll reveal the reversed card. Have the spectator show the card to several other members of the audience in case he or she forgets it. This part requires a bit of acting. The more convincing you are that you screwed up, the better the reaction at the climax. Notice how the aces are dealt out. This allows for a nice dramatic flourish to punctuate the final revelation. PROPS A deck of cards PREPARATION Remove any five and place it face up on the bottom of a face down deck. Place the 4 aces face down below the five. The complete set-up looks like this. BUILDING BLOCK - HINDU SHUFFLE Grip the cards at the lower end between your right thumb and second finger. The index finger rests on top. The left hand approaches from below and pulls off small groups of cards which fall onto your palm. This is repeated rapidly.